About Me, me, me.

Who is The Boomer Gal

I have three sons and when they were in elementary school, like many parents, I looked for volunteer opportunities. No bake sales or organizing the annual talent show was good enough for me. My choices typically revolve around big, long term, ridiculously impossible projects that most people shy away from because they seem like too much work. Often it is too much work, but once I jump in the deep end, there is no choice but to swim.

At the elementary school, I looked for a way to make a life-long impact on the lives of these children. My reasoning was, and frankly still remains, that if I’m going to invest my time it may as well make a permanent, positive impact on the world. So I chose to join the former reporter who was single handedly trying to wrangle 5th and 6th graders into a student newspaper organization.

Twice a week for twelve years, I spent recess in the school’s computer lab working hands on with those budding reporters, writers, and authors who wanted to tell their stories, share their poetry and offer their opinions about the world around them. When their point of view made administrators nervous, I championed their cause and then laid out every article, puzzle, poem, opinion and story in a newspaper format, printed 150 copies and distributed them to every child and staff member in the school four times a year.

I believe you should dream big. I think it’s okay to fall, as long as you get up and keep moving forward. I believe if you fail to plan you are planning to fail, and I think hope is an excuse to not do the hard work to achieve your big dreams.

There is nothing under the sun that cannot be achieved if we work together.

What is your big dream? I’d love to help you build it.

Today my children are nearly all grown and I don’t look for those volunteer opportunities any more. Now, I look for ways to fix the economy. (Told you I’m attracted to ridiculously BIG goals). We baby boomers are a vivacious lot of men and women with a vast range of experiences. I choose to believe that collectively, we want what’s best for the world and are not afraid to do the heavy lifting it takes to make things better.

In 2007 when I started my online marketing business, I spent an inordinate amount of time (and way too much money) learning how to make it work. Everything from web design to pay-per-click advertising, product development and launch, podcasting, video and mobile marketing, copywriting and of course, social media marketing became notches on my entrepreneurial belt. There are many aspects to successful online marketing. I was determined to learn them all to a level of at least proficiency and often mastery.

In 2010, I was making nice passive income streams from the websites I’d built and the affiliate products I was selling, but it wasn’t big enough. So I came out of the basement and into the light deciding to not only make passive income for my family, but to teach other people how to do the same by building a consulting business. It was time to become the boss of me.

It’s not unusual for your customers to be people very much like you, and that was certainly true in my case. I worked with other small business owners and entrepreneurs my age and older who struggled with new technology and marketing methods of the Internet Age. It became clear to me over the next few years that if enough business people over the age of 50 could learn to effectively use online marketing for business growth, together we could fix the economy.

This is how I plan to save the economy and how you can benefit from it.

  • If you are a digital dinosaur, then you’re my kinda people. No judgment here.
  • If the thought of using social media everyday to grow your business makes you shudder…I get it. I’ve been there too.
  • If you don’t know the difference between a pin, post, tweet or plus, I have a solution for that.
  • Essentially I’m a teacher, and my superpower is the ability to make complicated things simple for you to understand.
  • I have a map and know the shortcuts to the 21st century where technology and business growth walk hand-in-hand. I can show you exactly where you need to spend time to profit in your business. No more pulling out your hair or wasting your precious time.

Okay, but how can The Boomer Gal help me, me, me?

This may be my about me page, but the truth is it’s all about you. How can I help you build a thriving business and vibrant life? Let’s start with some resources you can use now.

Podcasts: My biggest source of free information for you is podcasts. There are two to choose from. The first is an all business building audio podcast called ACT LOCAL Marketing for Small Business where you will find over 125 hours of interviews with experts on various aspects of marketing and related topics. The second is The Boomer’s Ultimate Guide Podcast geared toward the over 50 baby boomer crowd. It has audio and video interviews with experts from various fields that answer the same seven questions; I ask in an effort to get their best ideas into your hands. Topics range from business to health, relationships, finance, dating, estate planning, retirement, travel, and more all from a point of view that will help you.

Blog: You can find my blog here where I’ve penned dozens of articles about digital marketing, social media, public speaking and more.

Video: I have a YouTube Channel with helpful videos from my podcasts and plenty of my “Top 3 Tips” on marketing ideas to help you jumpstart your efforts.

Subscribe: My updates about new podcast episodes, blog posts, videos and the publication date of my upcoming book, The Boomer’s Ultimate Guide To Social Media Marketing will land straight in your email inbox. This way you can take advantage of my latest thinking and I can keep you up to date with the changes that constantly happen in the crazy world of the Internet, and what those changes could mean to you and your business.

There is no need for you to waste time worrying what’s best for your business on the digital marketing front. I do it for you and share what you need to know to keep building your dream. After all, I have the same goal as you, to build a profitable business. Why not let me do the heavy lifting? That is how I plan on making my dream a reality. All you have to do is accept my gift of sharing my mission with you. Together we can make some money, have some fun, and fix the economy. That’s freedom and it sounds awfully good to me.

It’s been great having you visit. I look forward to getting to know you better as you learn to travel the digital highway.