Are you over 50? Me too...let's navigate the digital highway together.
Here Are Some Free Resources To Get Started NowBlog
Check out my blog for dozens of free articles about marketing your business that you can put into play right now at little to no cost. You will find support for social media marketing, public speaking, networking, sales tips and other digital marketing topics.
If you have not discovered the wonderful world of podcasts yet, you are in for a treat. I love them so much that I produce two of my own. The Boomer’s Ultimate Guide Podcast and ACT LOCAL Marketing for Small Business are both on iTunes and Stitcher.
My YouTube Channel has interviews with interesting boomers (and non-boomers, we love them too) who are dedicated to making our world and your life better. They freely share there best gold nuggets with me and I give them to you.
There are two Ebooks you can download for the cost of your name and email address. The first is Twitter 101 How to Use Twitter for Business. The second title is The Five Things You Need To Market Online Successfully. Enjoy, with my compliments.
Drop Me a Line
Want to know how I can help you build a thriving business and vibrant life? Talk to me about working together to build your dream business today. Schedule your free 15 minute “Ask The Boomer Gal” call now.
“She was a consummate hostess and asked insightful questions. Her big heart and passion for helping local businesses succeed makes her a no-brainer for people looking to grow their brand or business.”
Julie Anne EasonDo you have what it takes?
An entrepreneur wears many hats.Peggy Archer
Concepts Wizard
For most entrepreneurs, this is the easy part of owning a business, creating the concepts that will propel it forward. New ideas flow like an out of control spigot. My advice is capture them in the biggest bucket you can find.
Vera Boyd
Solutions Czar
Good ideas don’t mean squat if you can not build strategies that turn them into reality. Developing solutions is necessary to running a successful business. Efficiency is the name of the game and is how my brain is wired.
Helen Thompson
Acquisitions Magician
You have great ideas, a big heart and the desire to turn those ideas into a thriving business. Without sales, what you have is a very expensive hobby. Be proud to help people and don’t be afraid to get paid for it.
Josie Ferro
Bliss Ambassador
Someone to hold your hand and guide you through the treacherous terrain of entrepreneurship will take away fear and bring bliss to business ownership. I won’t let go until you are standing on your own two feet.
Kalynn Amadio
The Boomer Gal is your guide and mentor into the 21st Century world of online marketing and business ownership. A baby boomer, author, speaker, engineer, and entrepreneur; she helps you maximize your efforts and cuts the learning curve. After all, you’re not getting any younger.
Take-a-Break Advisor
We all need a reminder from time to time that the freedom of being an entrepreneur and owning a business means we can take-a-break to smell the flowers along the way. Oh, and don’t forget to let the dog out every couple of hours.